We all do it. From time to time, we may answer
"yes" but in our heart or mind, it's really a "maybe." It's
a "yes" unless something better comes along or something else comes
up. In our world today many of our decisions are almost hesitant or "yes,
for now" rather than definitive.
Our social norm has gotten away from RSVPs (do you remember
those?) because no one wants to commit their decision firmly on a certain day,
time, or event. Those of us who've planned a dinner or party know how hard it
is to plan without accurate RSVPs.
Though life is not a dinner party, there are still times when our
"yes" needs to be a solid commitment.
I think we would agree this would be true for marriage. I also believe
this is true for following Christ.
Since last summer, I had known of things coming up in my
future that may lead to significant life changes. Two variables in particular question
were my living arrangements and my job. Regardless of what decisions were
made...I knew change would be coming in 2013.
My roommate and dear friend of nearly 14 years was being
given the opportunity to move to Hilton Head, South Carolina for her job as a nanny to a
set of twins. The family also extended the invitation for me to come too. It's
been a life-long dream of mine to live near the beach! I was not opposed to the
idea...but I did question the practicality.
I also knew things would be changing at my workplace within
the next year. By the end of 2012, I truly sensed I would not transition when
those changes occurred next summer. I was ready for a professional change and a
change of scenery, but just because I wanted it didn't mean it was to be. So I
began to regularly pray for God's will in these matters and put the thought of
"change" aside for when the time came closer for decision-making.
Come March, my roommate looked like she was definitely
moving to SC. The offer of assistance to transition in this move from the
family still stood. I thought, “I'd love to go!”, but I questioned if it was
really "my calling" or just hers. I still wasn't sure. I increased my
focus on these decisions in my prayer and Bible study.
In my daily readings and devotional, I kept receiving
confirmations from the Lord in going. I gave a hesitant "yes" in my
heart. I knew in a few days, my roommate would be talking with the family to
see what their extension of this offer to move really meant for me. After all, I'd
be leaving a job, my church, my friends, and a place where I'd put down roots
as an adult for the past 15 years. That's not a decision I wanted to make
without some concrete assurances. My plan was wait to see what was said, then make
a firm decision.
As you probably figured out...that was NOT God's plan. Three
days before I was to have the details I wanted before making this decision, He
called me on the carpet during my quiet time. I was reading through the book of
Hebrews and as I approached chapter 11, reading Abram's account of obedience in
faith without sight, I was challenged by God in my reading..."What's your YES,
Stacy?" It was a subtle question. A quiet whisper. Yet it hit me like a
ton of bricks.
I knew God was giving me the go ahead, the "release"
from things in North Carolina. His question was about my willingness to say YES
without the details. He wanted my yes to be yes. Not contingent upon that which
I would like to have in place, but contingent upon my trust in HIM...as my Provider,
my Protector, my Strength, my Shield, my Deliverer...MY LORD! I wept! Hard!
This unexpected revelation was a huge answer to prayer for clarity in these
decisions. I knew I must answer YES and be obedient to walk by faith, not by
That night, as I journaled, I recorded these two verses:
"We walk by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians
"By faith, Abraham, when he was called, obeyed and went
out to a place he was going to receive as an inheritance; he went out not
knowing where he was going." Hebrews 11:8
Though I am not Abraham, and South Carolina is certainly not
my "promised land" (that will be heaven one day), I too felt strongly
called to get out and up-root myself from the foundation I had laid with my
hands. I knew I was to move with the purpose to step out in faith and not sight
for this season. It's been a few weeks and I'm still not sure what all God is
up to, but He has been in every detail so far. I cannot begin to recount the
doors that have swung wide open for so many provisions in the preparation and
move. I know He is desiring my faithful obedience to continue to walk as He
Perhaps you are struggling with a call or decision in your
life. Know that God IS there! He is faithful to answer your prayers if you seek
Him in His Word, through prayer, and in fellowship with believers. Remember, although
He does not answer everyone the same way, He is faithful TO answer. Ask for
ears to hear and eyes to see, His answer...not your own. I pray you will know
His perfect will in whatever your situation with all clarity and peace. Thank
you, Lord, for your faithfulness to your children!
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